Toxicology: Additional Services

Toxicology is more than just Testing
Chemical products are developed and produced for very different uses. As a consequence, the registration and approval of chemical substances are not standardised but rather specialised for different applications. In addition, the procedures for registration differ between the regions of the world where the chemicals are produced and sold. With our more than 35 years of experience in contract research, we’re happy to support you in the choice of a proper testing strategy for your product.
A toxicological assessment generally includes several test systems and covers a range of endpoints. To draw the correct and toxicologically relevant conclusions from a multitude of individual test results, we are always there for you. We will for instance prepare expert statements or summaries of toxicity data that you can show to your customers.
Did you have a study performed at another laboratory and would like the results to be confirmed in a peer-review process? Just send us your cell or tissue preparations and we will run a second scoring under GLP for you.
Toxicology is an area of constant evolution. Should it be to reduce or replace animal testing or to investigate new endpoints, we are dedicated to the development of new testing protocols. We have participated successfully in international research projects for the establishment and validation of new toxicological test methods. We’re also a partner of the EU NETVAL network and a recognised laboratory for the validation of alternative methods within the EU. Contact us when you’re looking for a partner to develop a new test method!
A key mechanism of in vitro toxicology is the mimicking of the liver function in Petri dishes with cells and tissues. We offer you S9 liver homogenates from rats and hamsters, so you can achieve this in your research projects in your own lab.