New developments in the conduct of clinical trials
Covid19 changed many of the established procedures. Study designs also had to be adapted to the new reality of conducting clinical trials. This was accompanied by an increase in the integration and use of digital structures in clinical trials. Patients could no longer visit the trial centre, so telephone and video visits were introduced. Monitors could not visit the trial sites, so new ways had to be found to ensure data quality.
Some of these innovations have proven to be helpful and beneficial to trials, for example by facilitating patient recruitment, increasing patient retention and saving time and money. These are benefits that are hard to resist, and the trend is moving away from traditional trials and towards decentralised or hybrid trials.
However, with new concepts come new questions and obstacles that need to be considered and solved. LKF, ABF and AMEDON, have worked together in a workshop to develop solutions that we adapt to our customers' needs.