GBA to Take Part in the 2019 Annual Conference for German Laboratory Service Sector
GBA will be holding a presentation at the Specialist Forum for Environmental Analysis on September 5th, 2019. This event is taking place in the context of the Annual Conference for the Laboratory Service Sector in Giessen at the Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (Technischen Hochschule Mittelhessen, THM). Dr. Sven Steinhauer will be moderating and providing information concerning the issues being dealt with at this specialist forum for environmental analysis. The forum will focus on the problematics involved with external samplers in areas that are legally regulated. Furthermore, our expert for drinking water and industrial water analysis, Olaf Bracke, will be holding a lecture on the “Problematics of external sampling from the perspective of the testing laboratory,” using the German drinking water ordinance as a case study.
The conference is hosted by the German Association for Independent Testing Laboratories (Deutschen Verband Unabhängiger Prüflaboratorien – VUP).
Further information about the event can be found at the following link: vup.de
GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH
Herr Dr. Sven Steinhauer
Tel. +49 (0)40 797172-0
E-Mail: s.steinhauer@gba-group.de