12.1.2022Proposed maximum levels for PFAS in certain foods.In the course of the EU Greendeal, maximum levels for perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in certain foods, are to be newly included in Regulation (EC) 1881/2006.more
7.1.2022New maximum levels of opium alkaloids New Regulation (EU) 2021/2142 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels of opium alkaloids in certain foodstuffs.more
14.12.2021Christmas time is nut time - Almonds as a perfect Christmas snack As soon as the Christmas markets are open, they are not far away: Almonds. Especially in the run-up to Christmas, roasted almonds become a favorite snack for Germans. Even without the caramelized coating, the little nuts are true powerhouses. more
7.12.2021Contaminants in Advent calendar chocolateBy now, many of you will have opened a few doors of an Advent calendar. Likewise, every year certain Christmas treats are specifically tested for undesirable contaminants, e.g. mineral oil residues in Advent calendar chocolate.more
30.11.2021Natural sweetness for products - Trend ingredient coconut blossom sugar The food industry is under pressure. The ever-increasing health trend is producing alternatives to industrial sugar. Coconut blossom sugar is a natural, unrefined sugar from the coconut palm, which is more nutritious and less blood sugar-increasing than normal sugar.more