Amendment to the Residue Definition of Phosphonates (incl. fosetyl)

Residue definition of Phosphonates
Phosphonates are among the so-called multiple source substances due to their wide range of applications and their widespread occurrence (e.g. in plant protection products or fertilizers, natural inputs are also possible). Until now, phosphonates have been summarized as residues under fosetyl (precisely: the sum of fosetyl and phosphonic acid and their salts, expressed as fosetyl-Al).
Phosphonic acid in particular, as an unspecific residue, poses challenges for organic farming, as such findings always raise the question of whether there has been unauthorized use of plant protection products containing phosphonic acid.
In October, the European Union has now completed the project to change the residue definition to “phosphonic acid and its salts expressed as phosphonic acid” in order to cover all entry routes of phosphonates via common maximum levels. However, it should be noted that fosetyl is no longer included in this definition. The standard value of 0.01 mg/kg, which is used for product-active substance combinations for which no specific maximum levels have been set, will also no longer apply here in future. Accordingly, residues of fosetyl will no longer be shown in the analytical report in future. These changes will take effect from April 29, 2025.
Of course, this analysis is still part of our standard portfolio. Please contact us if you have any questions