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Change of Contaminants Regulation 2023/915

Contaminants Regulation 2023/915
Regulation (EU) 2023/915 is being updated to make the rules on contaminants in food clearer. These adjustments are listed in regulation (EU) 2024/1756. New rules are introduced for testing for certain substances in cereals, baby food and oat products. It also clarifies the rules for maximum amounts of harmful substances in rice products, animal products and cereal products. Below in tabular form is an overview of the changes effective July 16, 2024.
Changes in Tabular Form
Point in the Regulation | Original Regulation | Amended Regulation |
1.8.1 | Sampling and analysis for ergot alkaloids in cereals (except rye) referencing Regulation (EC) 401/2006. | Tests and sampling are now described in Regulation (EC) 2023/2782. The reference has expired. |
1.9.5 | Maximum levels of T-2 and HT-2 in products containing 90% oats. | Adjustment to 75-85% oats. |
2.2.1 | Sampling and analysis for tropane alkaloids in baby food referencing Regulation (EC) 401/2006. | Testing and sampling are now described in Regulation (EC) 2023/2783. The reference has expired. |
2.3.2 | Maximum levels of cyanide content in flaxseeds. | The cyanide regulations apply regardless of the processing stage. |
1.2.9, 1.5.1 | Maximum levels in unprocessed oats. | Applies to hulled oats. |
1.2.10 | Maximum levels of Ochratoxin A in cereal products. | Clarification for end consumers. |
Annex I | Exceptions for rice products. | Clarification of the rules for rice products. |
1.5.3 | Maximum levels of zearalenone in cereal products. | Clarification for end consumers. |
2.3.1 | Maximum levels of hydrogen cyanide content in oilseeds for pressing and refining. | Adjusted for consistency with other regulations. |
Point 4 | Dioxins and PCBs in animal products. | Clarification comments. | | Dioxins and PCBs in venison. | Specification of animal species. |
Baby Products | PAHs in powdered and liquid products. | Differentiation between powder and liquid. |
Footnote 6 | Removal of the husk from the seed grain (peeling). | Peeling is considered cleaning, not processing. |