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Apply today and join our team

We’re delighted to see your interest in the GBA Group. Now that you’ve gotten an idea of who we are and what makes us stand out, we need your complete application documents – including cover letter, résumé, references/certificates, and your salary expectation – so we can also have the chance to see if we’re a good match.

You haven’t found a suitable position, but you are confident that we should get to know each other? Unsolicited applications are welcome at any time. We look forward to hearing from you.

Get to know us: Working at GBA Group | Your contact persons | All about your application

Working at GBA Group

Working at GBA Group

We demand high standards of competence, team spirit and commitment at the GBA Group – this is true for our staff and for our services. We want you to enjoy working for and with us.

Everything about your application

Everything about your application

The application tips inform you about the entire process from the first contact to the employment contract.

Human Resources Department

Find your Contact Person

Who can you speak to? Get to know the GBA Group personnel department.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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