Wissen, was drin ist:


Meaningful analytical results

Meaningful analytical results

In order to produce meaningful analytical results, the sampling must always be conducted properly by qualified individuals. Whether it is soil, waste, air, or water, the sample that is taken must be representative.

Ensuring this requires more than just general knowledge in the selection and removal of partial samples. All of the changes related to time and location have to be taken into consideration.

Depending on the background and the purpose of the analytical order, the responsible authorities often require the sampling to be conducted in accordance with PN98. This is meant to ensure that the sample is taken properly and independently, i.e. the sample taker should not have an interest in the analytical result.

With over 30 years of experience in environmental analysis, we conduct sampling in all of the matrices that are relevant in the environmental sector. We regularly provide further training for our team of experienced specialists. The colleagues take the samples in the appropriate manner, fill the sample into containers that are purpose-built for the individual matrix, and ensure that the sample is transported to our laboratories properly. Every time sampling is conducted, a log is kept. Depending on the matrix, the purpose, and regionally applicable regulations, the sampling log contains more than just basic data, but also the on-site parameters as well as photographic documentation.

State-of-the-art data collection technology supports our sample takers. This helps guarantee that the execution is swift and precise. Since our specialists are located in your vicinity, we not only provide you with consulting on sampling issues that are specific to individual regions, but we also arrange for fast processing and results even for requests made on short notice.


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Water Sampling

Water Sampling

Water sampling is highly demanding for the sample taker. The analytical results can only be as good as the entire analytical process. This process begins with taking samples of drinking water, leachate, or groundwater, and ends with the evaluation of the results.

Authorization Environment

Authorization Environment

Approved by article 18 of the Federal Soil Protection act (BBodSchG) according to article 1 of the Schleswig-Holstein state regulations for the authorization and monitoring of test laboratories that deal with soil protection and inherited waste. (Analysis of sediment: inorganic (1.2) and organic parameters (1.3), as well as dioxins and furans (1.4)).

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