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Environmental analysis in Berlin

Site Berlin

GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH
Magnusstrasse 11
12489 Berlin

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Tel.: +49 30 6392 - 1981

Managing Director: Ralf Murzen, Ole Borchert, Alexander Kleinke, Dr. Dominik Obeloer
Company register: Hamburg HRB 42774
VAT Identification Number DE118554138

Opening hours: Mon.- Fri.: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The delivery of samples is possible outside the opening hours by request!

Accreditation and Authorization

The site is a testing laboratory accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

The Berlin site has access to the overall service portfolio of the GBA Group. Here you will find an overview of all our approvals, accreditation certificates and certifications.

Approvals, accreditation certificates and certifications

Environmental analysis is the central focus of our site in Berlin. Here, in Adlershof, we offer our customers full consultations and comprehensive support on services, from swift sample extraction to analytic results. Particular emphasis is placed on REM analysis of roofing felt, material and indoor air samples, as well as test preparation for soil samples and construction/demolition debris samples.

An overview of our services:


  • PN98 (waste material)
  • Groundwater
  • Waste water
  • Drinking water
  • Building contaminants
  • indoor air measurement

Scanning Electron Microscope:

  • Fibre analysis and structural analyses using REM (Asbestos analysis, including VDI 3866, VDI 3877 and VDI 3492 guidelines)
  • Examination of roofing felt for asbestos and PAHs

Soil, sediment and construction/demolition debris analysis for:

  • Potentially contaminated land
  • Land management
  • Site investigation
  • Exposure pathway (according to BBodSch - Federal soil protection law)

Particularly in the case of wartime rubble, fresh samples must be taken for every step of the construction process, then examined under certified laboratory conditions to exclude the possibility of contamination.

You can count on us for fast feedback, reliable processes and accurate, on time results. Discover the advantages of excellent support from the GBA Group.

We want to make collaboration as easy as possible.

For environmental and food analysis you can order sample containers, book our sample pick-up service, place orders for analysis, and send inquiries to our project managers.


Contact form

Do you have a question or concern about a topic and would like to contact us?
You can reach us 24 hours a day using our form.

Our Service Portfolio:

Building Contaminants & Materials



Roofing Felt

Indoor Air Quality

Soils, Sediments & Sludge

Air & Gases

GBA Group Sites


How to reach us

We offer numerous locations and departments in Germany and Europe, so that you always have a reliable contact in your area.
Location overview
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