Site Salzburg
Schillerstraße 25
A-5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43 662 433257 - 0
Fax: +43 662 433257 - 42
Mail: office@hus-salzburg.at
Managing Director: Senada Sabic
FN 483397d Landesgericht Salzburg
UID: ATU72830234
Opening hours:
Mon.- Thu.: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fri.: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The delivery of samples is possible outside the opening hours by request!
At the Hydrological Lab Salzburg, our specialists can undertake virtually any imaginable water management analysis in Austria. This division of the GBA Group makes a vital contribution to environmental analysis for our customers. Our team of highly specialized experts across numerous areas of water analysis can provide answers to your most complex questions.
Our services include:
HUS analyses:
- Drinking water
- Waste water measurement
- Waste water
- Soil contamination
- Chemical tests
- Hydroecology, hydrobiology, limnology
- Hygiene and microbiology
- Legionella
- Sampling
The Hydrological Lab Salzburg has been analyzing and certifying water samples from lakes, bathing pools or ponds and even golf courses since 1974. Based on the results, we also advise our customers on the conclusions they can draw and which course of action should be taken.
Our core competences:
- Routine and specialist analysis
- Physiochemical, hygienic-microbiological and ecotoxicological examinations
- Expert surveys
- Planning, consulting and examinations for
- Water supply technology
- Waste water technology
- Hydroecology
HUS analysis is conducted according to regulatory and statutory methods. Join the many customers who reap the benefits of our decades of experience and profit from the high degree of trust we have developed with the relevant authorities.

We want to make collaboration as easy as possible.
For environmental and food analysis you can order sample containers, book our sample pick-up service, place orders for analysis, and send inquiries to our project managers.