Know what's inside:

Baked goods & sweets

Healthy, sustainable and local

Healthy, sustainable and local

Important considerations in the market for bakery products and sweets are health and sustainability. Thus companies work on reformulating products with less sugar, fewer calories, less saturated fat, more fiber and smaller portions. And a “clean label”, with as few E-numbers as possible is important. The origin of the raw materials is important for sustainability. There are various raw material seals of approval in the area of sustainability, such as UTZ (cacao and hazelnuts), RSPO (palm oil) and Round Table on Responsible Soy (soybeans). Some of the raw materials are of organic origin. The use of local grains and alternative grains, such as spelt, is on trend in the bakery industry.

Reformulation of products

To support the reformulation of bakery products and confectionary, the GBA Group can perform various analyses in the area of nutritional value. Such as the content of sugar, salt, saturated fat and fiber.


Bakery products and confectionary can contain allergenic ingredients . Examples are peanuts, nuts, grains containing gluten, egg, milk and sesame seeds. The GBA Group has tests in house to detect (traces of) allergens.

For gluten-free products, manufacturers can add the label “gluten-free” if they have undergone the certification course for it. For the claim “gluten-free”, the limit is a maximum of 20 ppm of gluten. The term “with very low gluten content” may also be used on products with grains containing gluten specially for people with celiac disease. Then the gluten content may be a maximum of 100 mg/kg.

Laboratory analysis of harmful substances

Raw materials and ingredients for bakery products and confectionary may contain harmful substances. Significant groups are mycotoxins, alkaloids and residues of pesticides. There are regulatory standards for permitted contents.

Alkaloids are natural toxins. For example, poppy seeds naturally contain opium alkaloids. Lupine contains quinolizidine alkaloids. Tropane alkaloids may be present in bread, biscuits, crackers and cookies. Cyanogenic glycosides are present in products with fruit with pits and stone fruits and linseed. The GBA Group can rapidly and accurately determine whether raw materials meet the legal requirements regarding alkaloids.

Molds can grow on grain and corn that produce toxins. Significant mycotoxins are, for example, aflatoxins, ochratoxins and deoxynivalenol. The GBA Group can screen a sample rapidly for multiple mycotoxins, or analyze for the presence of a specific mycotoxin. It is clear within a few hours whether a sample can be released.

For evidence of residues of pesticides on grains and other raw materials, the GBA Group has sensitive and accurate analyses. If necessary, the results can be available within 24-48 hours.

Interdisciplinary team

The analyses require a very professional assessment and advisement due to the constantly changing regulations. Our interdisciplinary team is glad to advise you about the specific basic requirements for your product and about current developments and strategies to minimize risks.


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Please, use our services to inform us about your matter of interest. You can also reach us by telephone at +49 40 797172-0

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