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Ensure the food safety of your fish product

Ensure the food safety of your fish product

In order to provide a fish product that meets food safety requirements, it is important to detect pathogenic micro-organisms such as bacteria in a timely manner. This prevents food poisoning and you put a good quality and safe product on the market. GBA Group supports you with testing, including for listeria, salmonella and E-coli bacteria. And that’s not all.


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Stricter requirements for fish

Even though fish undergoes fewer required laboratory tests than meat, for example, the quality requirements are increasingly strict. The NVWA is cracking down on fraud and the use of additives in the fish industry. The testing by the GBA Group is therefore focused on these aspects. In this way, together we ensure food safety and public health.

The fish analyses are validated and based on ISO methods and are performed under certification. If you request an analysis from us, a professional team with an academic background is available to you. After completion of the tests, you are ensured that your products meet the required safety standards before you make your sale.

Bacteria and fish

Bacteria and fish

In addition to controls by the NVWA, in the fish industry you need to deal with obligatory laboratory testing for bacteria in your fish, such as salmonella, E-coli and listeria. The latter is one of the largest threats in the area of food safety. The bacteria can survive in both raw and prepared fish. This pathogenic micro-organism is even fatal in 17 to 20 percent of the cases.

If you have us perform microbiological testing, you prevent the spread of contaminated products. You know what the maximum use-by date is and can provide the consumer with the most complete information about the composition of your product.

GBA Group analyzes the composition of the fish. Consider:

  • algae toxins, that can remain in testing into Salmonella and E.coli.
  • chemical analysis into fish species that can form histamines and thus cause an allergic reactions, such as mackerel
  • nutritional value analyses
  • sustainability testing in combination with listeria challenge tests, whereby we test the growth potential of this micro-organism in the product.

The GBA Group performs sampling and inspection in more than 100 countries. For example, on behalf of the Danish government we test for algae toxins in the Wadden Sea to monitor the food safety of shellfish in this area.

Automated studies

Speed and accuracy are central to the GBA Group This is how we ensure taking and forwarding any samples. The studies are mainly automated and digitized. Digital registration, data entry and feedback of results. We follow a rapid lead time. We notify you as soon as the test results are in.

Have necessary laboratory testing done by the GBA Group. Ensure the food safety and quality of your fish product.

Flyer Fish

Analyses of Fish

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Please, use our services to inform us about your matter of interest. You can also reach us by telephone at +49 40 797172-0


Bundesverband Naturwaren e.V.

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