Hygienicum Audits - Austria

All skill is wasted - if no one else can see it!
The activity that a person has done or the product that a person has made has always been the most important thing. This is still the case today and should remain so. However, the comprehensible presentation of this achievement is becoming more and more important, no matter whether it is internal to the company or the industry or external to the customer or partner.
We ensure this transparency and verifiability with audits. We carry out hygiene audits in the smallest form (inspection, general assessment, on-site discussion of possible solutions) up to audits according to national and international standards (IFS, BRC, ISO 22.000, AMA, HACCP, etc.) for you.
Our experienced employees from the consulting department are licensed as auditors for various standards. Under the umbrella of Quality Austria, audits are performed at the highest level.
In this cooperation, we offer above all the certifications of the central food standards (IFS, BRC, ISO 22.000). Our early warning system informs our customers about upcoming audit dates in due time. By cooperating with Quality Austria, we provide direct access to the information and further training system of Austria's largest certification and quality assurance company.
Our partner in the field of feed control, BIO certification or Q&S is Austria Bio-Garantie (ABG) AGROVET.
For more complex tasks (combination with other standards) there is of course the possibility of a joint audit with our network partners. Exemplary standards and concepts
Quality management (ISO 9.000 series), environmental management (ISO 14.000 series, EMAS), occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18.000 series)
Organic, GMO free, AMA, Q&S, etc.
Customer specifications - Supplier requirements