Know what's inside:

HYGIENICUM GmbH, Institut für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Hygiene

Your site in Graz

Located in Graz, Hygienicum GmbH has been operating as a competence centre for food safety and workplace hygiene since 1994. Services provided in the high-tech laboratories range from research and development to chemical, molecular and microbiological studies through to pest control and workplace hygiene.

An overview of our services:

  • Food and cosmetics laboratory (chemical, microbiological, molecular biological, sensory)
  • Evaluations according to paragraph 73 of the LMSVG (Austrian Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act)
  • Labeling control (international)
  • Consulting (hygiene, foodtechnology, quality management)
  • Audits (IFS, BRC, ISO 22000 FSCC – Zertifikat Quality Austria)
  • Pest control
  • Research

The laboratory can also conduct microbiological tests on medicinal products, evaluations according to paragraph 73 of the LMSVG (Austrian Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act), surface and air analyses, tests on products prior to market introduction, durability tests and active ingredient testing of preservatives, disinfectants and antibiotics.

Range of services:

Quality Management

Quality Management

About our Quality management concepts and special standards.

HACCP Concept

HACCP Concept

We analyze the current situation, point out weak points, define requirements and develop a control system.

Research and Development

Research and Development

Food Technology - Cross-Over Solutions for More Safety. Information about the execution of Challenge-Tests.

Global Supply Chain Control

Global Supply Chain Control

Risk assessment and risk management, acute problem solving as well as tender support and delivery control.



We carry out hygiene audits of the smallest degree up to audits according to national and international standards.

Range of services laboratory:


  • Determination of standard parameters
  • Detection of pathogenic germs by standard (ISO) methods, also from swab, swab swab and gully water samples
  • Detection of pathogenic germs by PCR and bioMérieux VIDAS®.
  • Analysis of water samples and beverages (incl. beer pests)
  • Microbiological environment monitoring (swab, smear, airborne germ measurement, compressed air measurement)
  • Challenge tests according to Sanco
  • Germ differentiation (biochemical and sequence analysis)



  • GMO analysis (qualitative and quantitative up to 12-fold screening).
  • Animal species detection
  • Allergen analysis by PCR
  • Heptitis A and norovirus in foods
  • Halal testing (detection of pig)



  • Chemical LM analysis according to Codex alimentarius and AMA scheme.
  • Analysis of value-determining ingredients (e.g. caco content, butter content, egg content ...)
  • Nutritional value analysis
  • Analysis of additives (colorants, preservatives, sweeteners)
  • Beverage analysis incl. beer
  • Halal testing (ethanol)
  • Allergen analysis by ELISA


Sensory testing:

-Accredited sensory testing of food


Logo Hygienicum

Your Partner in Graz:

HYGIENICUM GmbH, Institut für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Hygiene
Robert-Viertl-Straße 7
A-8055 Graz-Straßgang

Tel.: +43 316 69 41 08 - 0

Trade register: Graz FN385462g
UID-Nr. ATU 67452133
EORI-No.: ATEOS1000089395

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Contact us!

To learn more about us and what we can do for you please contact us.

Further services of HYGIENICUM GmbH:



We offer various seminars for all companies in the food industry. Our goal is to increase and consolidate the effectiveness of food safety measures in your company through training and competence enhancement.

HACCP Concept

HACCP Concept

We analyze the current situation, point out weak points, define requirements and develop a control system.

Pest Control

Pest Control

We fight and control pests in households and businesses. Pest monitoring, pest control and biological pest control.

Global Supply Chain Control

Global Supply Chain Control

Risk assessment and risk management, acute problem solving as well as tender support and delivery control.


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How to reach us

We offer numerous locations and departments in Germany and Europe, so that you always have a reliable contact in your area.
Location overview
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