Laboratorio Químico Microbiológico S.L. (LQM)

Laboratorio Químico Microbiológico S.L. (LQM)
Headquarter in Murcia
Poligono Industrial Oeste
Avda Principal 21/1
30169 San Ginés, Murcia, Spain
Tel. +34 968805909
Site Sevilla
Polígono industrial San Nicolás
Calle San Nicolás Diez 46
41500 Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla, Spain
Tel. +34 954187210

Site Spain
LQM is the leading laboratory and global distributor of analytical services, inspection and advising in the food and environmental sectors. With locations in Murcia and Seville, LQM offers a wide range of solutions in quality, food safety and environmental matters.
With the best available technology as well as qualified employees, LQM offers services with high quality, reliability and short delivery time. Besides, they provide advice on any issue related to quality, safety and the environment.
Through its research and development department, they develop analytical methods, implement analytical techniques, and provide trainings.
LQM areas of activity:
- Pesticides: multimethod and specific pesticides such as chlorate, fosetyl-Al, glyphosate, dithiocarbamates, etephon, acid herbicides, maleic hidrazide, chlormequat, …
- Contaminants: toxins, heavy metals, PAHs, dioxins and PCBs, melamine, erucic acid, tropane alkaloids, perchlorate, …
- Other contaminants: acrylamide, furan, histamine, phenylalanine, chloramphenicol, artificial dyes, BPA, …
- Characterization of saffron according to ISO 3632
- Characterization of salts and brines
- Characterization of olive oil
- Food contact materials: overall migrations and specific migrations
- Preservatives: sorbic acid and benzoic acid
- Microbiology
- Allergens
- Environmental official inspections
- Control of water: Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis in all of types of water.
- Control of soils: Physico-chemical analysis
- Emissions to the atmosphere control