Know what´s inside:

Our approach to animal disease control

To diagnose animal diseases in the barn, Lavetan tests samples for bacteria and viruses. For this purpose, we use the PCR test and the ELISA technique, among others. Let us tell you more about how we work.

From sample to report

To test for various bacteria and viruses, we obviously need samples. Materials for this can be ordered through our registration form. Then your own veterinarian will take the sample. After registration (or on your regular pick-up day), our messenger will pick up the material back from the vet.

Our lab technicians perform the analyses using sophisticated equipment and renowned microbiological techniques. Generally, we report within five working days to the veterinarian, the farmer, and the necessary databases. The veterinarian and the farmer receive a summary report, where as many results as possible are grouped together. In this way, you have all the information at your fingertips.

Different test, different sample?

In most cases, we test with the ELISA technique. But we also use the PCR test from time to time. It can be applied to a variety of matrices. As to which matrices can be used with which method, you can find them in the various application forms. There are exceptions listed on the specific page with the disease you want to be tested for. Browse the list of pigs, cattle, small ruminants, and poultry to find the right page.




Goats and Sheep


One step ahead with Lavetan

One step ahead with Lavetan

Our lines are short. Is there a problem or do you need advice? Then call one of our experts immediately. With their knowledge and experience, they will help you move forward. We also shift gears and scale up quickly. That way we have enough capacity to test in an emergency.

To the registration form

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Please, use our services to inform us about your matter of interest.

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