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Test the cattle barn for Neospora caninum

Neospora caninum

Neospora caninum can cause great damage on a dairy farm. Indeed, in infected cattle, this parasite is one of the main causes of abortion. There is no treatment for this parasite. Thus, regular testing is particularly important.

It's all about healthy cows and calves

Lavetan tests for the presence of antibodies in serum and milk samples using the ELISA technique. This allows us to show whether a cattle has had contact with the parasite.

How do we work?

A blood sample should be taken by your veterinarian from the affected animals. These are examined for antibodies using the ELISA technique to find out if the animals had contact with the parasite. In this way, you can quietly breed out the positive family lines to leave a Neospora-free herd in the long run.

What is Neospora caninum?

Neospora caninum is a single-celled parasite. An infected cow can be less fertile or even end up having an abortion. A pregnant, infected cow can transmit the infection to her calf. This is the main route of infection, with up to eighty percent of calves born to infected cows being infected themselves.

Infection can occur from mother to calf in utero, but it also spreads through dogs. Therefore, do not allow dogs near the grates and calving area. Also avoid allowing them to eat afterbirths, raw beef, or pieces of cadavers. The infectious parasite eggs in dog feces can survive for up to a year, even in feed pits and down the manure pit.

Do you have questions about Neospora caninum or would you like to have a checkup? We are happy to help.


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