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Be alert for para-TB in cattle

Para-TB in cattle

Para-TB (paratuberculose) is a culprit in the cow barn. In fact, this bacterium causes a chronic and incurable intestinal infection and leads to production decline, condition loss and even death at a later stage. No treatment is available. The only way is to test, cull positive animals and prevent calves from becoming infected with the bacteria. Read how Lavetan tests for para-TB.

Determine antibodies against the bacteria

The infection occurs worldwide and is especially a problem in dairy farming as it reduces milk production. To determine the infections, Lavetan tests for them using the ELISA technique. With this, we demonstrate, both in blood and milk, antibodies against the bacteria and find out whether para-TB occurs in the barn.

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What is para-TB?

Para-TB is an intestinal disease in ruminants caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. This causes a chronic, progressive infection in the small intestine. Both adult and young animals can become infected. In this regard, the younger, the more sensitive. Animals are infected when drinking colostrum or milk from an infected cow. Or by oral ingestion of the bacteria in the barn environment from manure, bedding, or feeders.

For the first two years, you hardly notice much of this. Then, as the years pass, more disease symptoms become apparent, with the infected cow having watery diarrhea, emaciation, and a decrease in her milk production. No treatment is available. The only method of control is to detect infected animals, to prevent young animals from becoming infected.

Do you have questions about para-TB or would you like to have a checkup? We are happy to help.


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