Know what´s inside:

Be attentive to APP in the pigsty

APP (Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae)

Unilateral pneumonia APP is inconspicuous but a nasty swine disease. The symptoms are very similar to a very severe flu, so as a livestock farmer you may not always realize it is actually APP. Mixing infections with PRRS, mycoplasma, influenza, and other pathogens are also frequently occurring. This makes the disease difficult to recognize unless you have blood tests done.

Improve barn climate and test regularly

APP occurs in three different forms, including the peracute form, the acute form, and the chronic form. The latter, in particular, causes disease outbreaks in the pigsty. This is something that you want to avoid. In addition to improving barn climate, regular tests for APP are helpful.

Lavetan tests with the ELISA technique and with a real-time PCR method. The ELISA technique allows us to determine the antibodies. The real-time PCR technique allows us to detect the bacteria in infected pigs.

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What is APP in pigs?

APP stands for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, the scientific name of the bacteria by which this unilateral lung disease is caused. The bacteria may enter the pigsty by purchasing infected animals. Mistakes in management and poor climate control cause the bacteria to spread.

Do you have questions about APP or would you like to have a checkup? We are happy to help.


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