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Inspect for Aujeszky's disease in pigsty

Aujeszky's disease

The pig industry keeps a keen eye on the animals. After all, you don't want to find Aujeszky's disease in your barns because it causes mild to severe respiratory problems, neurological disorders as well as reproductive problems.

Measuring is knowing

There is only one way to fight Aujeszky's disease and that is to locate and cull infected animals. We offer the gE-ELISA test. With this, we demonstrate from two weeks after an infection has occurred whether the animal has become infected.

This gE-ELISA shows whether the animal is carrying around Aujeszky's disease. Unlike other tests, the gE-ELISA shows antibodies to the wild virus, but not the antibodies evoked by any vaccine. As a result, we know quizzically whether or not the pig is infected with the virus.

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What is Aujeszky's disease?

What was it like? Pigs are the main carriers of Aujeszky's disease. Once they are infected, they remain infected for life. No wonder the virus remains a risk for piggeries. The disease is caused by a highly contagious herpes virus and is also called pseudorabies.

Have the pigs caught the virus? Then, during periods of stress, they infect other pigs through their noses and genitals. The virus survives even in cadavers, offal, and meat.

Do you have questions about Aujeszky's disease or would you like to have a checkup? We are happy to help.


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