Test for the common PCV2

PCV2 (porcine circo virus type 2)
Be on the alert for PCV2, as this virus is frequently found in pigsties. It causes problems with fertility, kidneys, skin, respiratory tract, intestines, blood vessels, and nerves, among others. Tests on it will tell you if your pigs are infected.
Tests regularly
PCV2 spreads through nasal mucus, oral fluids, urine, manure, and semen. The infection can move rapidly, even through the sow's uterus to the piglet. Measuring is knowing; therefore, test regularly.
Lavetan can test for PCV2 in two ways, using the ELISA technique and a real-time PCR method. The ELISA technique allows us to determine the antibodies. The real-time PCR technique allows us to detect the virus in infected pigs.
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What is PCV2?
PCV2 stands for porcine circo virus type 2. Pigs infected with it can develop problems with various bodily functions, for example, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines, blood vessels, and nerves. The best-known syndrome is "wasting disease", which means failure among young animals between six and 16 weeks of age.
Do you have questions about PCV2 or would you like to have a checkup? We are happy to help.