Know what´s inside:


Keep cattle healthy and immaculate

Dairy cows, meat cattle, meat calves: cattle are good for many products. In addition, a cow lives on average longer than poultry or pigs and the animal thus delivers more. The health of cattle is very important. Individual research in to diseases and specific treatment is certainly worth the effort, as opposed to poultry and pigs.

We test cattle for:

Every cow counts

Cattle need plenty of space. A crowded barn, or plenty of outdoor space frolic. You see both in the cattle business. Viruses spread less to cattle outdoors than indoors. But true in both cases: one cow delivers a great deal. That means that it is worth the effort to individually test cows for disease and viruses. We can easily test for various diseases on an animal level. Because cows provide more, it is sensible to treat the one animal that is infected.

Fighting IBR and BVD

Two stubborn, highly infectious diseases among cattle are IBR and BVD. That’s why there are targeted combat programs for these. This means that cattle must be tested regularly. We do that on both large and small scales.

Immaculate results

When you have cows tested for BVD, IBR or another disease, you want a clear result. We do complete analyses in our laboratory. Which we translate for you. We don’t think the simple “positive” or “negative” result is sufficient. You can only make good choices about the following steps if you have the details. That’s why you get a full analysis from us. So that you can take a well-founded following step.


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