Longer monitoring times for drinking water - Bundesrat decides on amendment to the Drinking Water Ordinance
On 17.09.2021, the Bundesrat decided on the fifth amendment to the Drinking Water Ordinance. The amendment primarily serves to make the monitoring frequencies of so-called "b systems" more flexible.
The Bundesrat comments as follows: "The aim of the amendment is to relieve the operators of b-plants while maintaining the highest level of protection for the health of consumers through quality monitoring of drinking water."
This change allows for longer monitoring cycles for plants from which "less than ten cubic meters of drinking water are withdrawn per day." The German Association of Independent Testing Laboratories has made the regulation and other information available for download.
GBA Group Environment is immediately informed about new regulations and laws and has been performing drinking water analyses for more than 30 years. GBA Group - Know what's inside.
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GBA Group Drinking Water Analysis
Interested in more information? Find the official document here:
Drinking Water Ordninace (German language only)