Boswellic acids - new addition to our food supplement analysis service
We are pleased to announce that we can now analyze your products for the content of boswellic acids. Boswellic acids occur naturally in the resin of the frankincense tree (Boswellia serrata). Since ancient times, positive effects on the human organism have been attributed to them - they are said to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic effects. Today, they can be found in the form of resin powder or dry extracts in numerous food supplements.
Quality control often relies on a classical titrimetric method to determine the proportion of boswellic acids. However, this method does not differentiate between boswellic acids and other organic acids. It is therefore not uncommon for higher levels of boswellic acids to be feigned in food supplements through the addition of other organic acids.
As a further development of the method "Pharm. Eur. 10.0/2310 Indian Frankincense", our newly implemented and selective HPLC-DAD method helps to determine the exact content of boswellic acids. A special feature of our method is that seven acids can be determined - common for other methods is the determination of only two acids. This gives you a detailed analysis and reliable results.
If you are interested in our new method, please contact us at food@gba-group.de