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New Maximum Levels for Perchlorate

New Maximum Levels for Perchlorate

With the Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/685 amending the Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006, perchlorate is now included among the contaminants. Perchlorate is considered a contaminant that can enter the product e.g. via groundwater, irrigation water, certain fertilizers, or the water used for washing during production. Perchlorate can have adverse effects on human health by inhibiting iodine intake.

Maximum levels have been set for the following product groups: fruit and vegetables, tea, herbal and fruit infusions, and certain baby foods. For fruit and vegetables, these maximum levels apply to the edible part of the food. The Regulation will go into effect starting 1 July 2020 and all foods listed in the Annex to the Regulation that are marketed according to law before that date may continue to be marketed until their best-before date.

The previous reference values provided by the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed will cease to apply when the Regulation enters into force. As the new maximum levels only apply to certain foods and groups of foods, when determining whether a product is marketable, a risk assessment must be carried out in accordance with the general legislation on contaminants (Regulation (EC) No 315/93) in order to check whether the food is safe in accordance with Article 14 of the basic Regulation (EC) No 178/2002. The risk assessment is based on the TDI (tolerable daily chronic intake). An acute reference dose (ARfD) does not exist for perchlorate, as it is assumed that there is no health risk from a single instance of perchlorate intake.

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