ABF facility is critical infrastructure
ABF Pharmaceutical Services GmbH has been classified as "critical infrastructure" by the Federal Chancellery of Austria. This is based on the EU Directive 2008/114/EC, which defines the criteria according to which such infrastructure is identified and designated - namely, when a facility or part of a facility is "essential for maintaining important societal functions, health, safety, security and the economic or social well-being of the population and the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact because its functions could not be maintained". On the basis of this guideline, the Federal Chancellery and the Ministry of the Interior have drawn up a master plan for 2014 to ensure security of supply in key areas of society. The importance of ABF for the possibility of conducting clinical studies has now led to such a classification.
ABF is part of the GBA Group's pharmaceutical division and last November opened a new facility in Vienna's 23rd district. Covering a total of 2,750 square metres, of which 1,580 are available for production and storage, the facility provides a package of services relating to drugs in clinical trials (so-called investigational products), including project management, manufacturing, logistics and EU approval of the investigational products. Despite the current restrictions, 104 ongoing clinical trials are currently being supported. The classification as critical infrastructure ensures that the continuation of the project is guaranteed even in the event of a complete shutdown of the economy, says CEO Elisabeth Lackner.
Caption: ABF CEO Elisabeth Lackner is able to maintain operations even in the event of a complete economic shutdown thanks to the classification of the Vienna site as a critical infrastructure.