Know what´s inside:

Natural Waterbodies

Habitat for numerous ecosystems

Water provides the habitat for numerous ecosystems. Contamination from industry and agriculture, such as biocides or heavy metals, jeopardizes not only the sensitive functionality of an individual ecosystem, but also all of the ecosystems that are interconnected with it. Water is of the utmost highest importance as a habitat worth protecting; it is the fundamental building block of life. All living beings are composed largely of water, and almost all metabolic processes use or require water. Therefore, the intake of water is absolutely imperative, yet it also bears hidden risks: organic contaminants such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, or flame retardants are often water-soluble and therefore pose a direct threat to human health and animals. An additional threat is posed by pathogens or potentially pathogenic germs such as legionellae or coliform bacteria, which can be ingested via water.

Therefore, depending on its usage, water protection is subdivided into aspects that are relevant for environmental protection (e.g. surface waterbodies) and health aspects (e.g. drinking water, 42nd Federal Emissions Ordinance). In Germany, both federal and state laws regulate the protection of water and waterbodies.

With over 30 years of experience in the field of environmental analysis and using state-of-the-art, accredited analytical methods, we analyze all of the established parameters for groundwater, surface water, leachate, and wastewater, as well as drinking water and process water. In addition to the traditional analytical scopes, we also offer tests for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), brominated flame retardants, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, organotin compounds, as well as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs).

In addition to providing accredited sampling conducted by our trained specialists, we also provide you with the appropriate sample containers, organize the (often refrigerated) transport to our laboratory, and, of course, help you interpret the results.


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Please, use our services to inform us about your matter of interest. Provide us with your telephone number and preferred time to be called in case we need further information.

Water Sampling

Water sampling is highly demanding for the sample taker. The analytical results can only be as good as the entire analytical process. This process begins with taking samples of drinking water, leachate, or groundwater, and ends with the evaluation of the results.


Available services

  • Sampling
  • Pesticides
  • Microbiology
  • Priority substances
  • Heavy metals
  • Excess nitrogen
  • Aggressiveness to concrete
  • Aggressiveness to steel
  • PFC / PFT
  • Pharmaceutical residues
  • etc.

We investigate for you

  • Groundwater
  • Seepage water
  • Swimming pool water
  • Waste water
  • Surface water
  • Drinking water

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Drinking Water

Soils, Sediments & Sludge

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Standorte – Environment

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Informationen zu Arzneimittelrückstände und Pflanzenschutzmittel im Wasserkreislauf finden Sie in unserem Flyer zum Thema.

PFC / PFAS – unterschätztes Schadstoffpotenzial durch Freisetzung aus Precursorn?

Informationen zu PFC / PFAS – unterschätztes Schadstoffpotenzial durch Freisetzung aus Precursorn? finden Sie in unserem Flyer zum Thema.

Poly- und perfluorierten Chemikalien (PFC)

Informationen zu Analytik von Poly- und perfluorierten Chemikalien (PFC) finden Sie in unserem Flyer zum Thema.


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