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Accreditation / Certifications / Authorizations

Accreditation & Certifications

GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH

Ifua Umweltberatung und Gutachten GmbH - Bitterfeld




  • Approved by article 18 of the Federal Soil Protection act (BBodSchG) according to article 1 of the Schleswig-Holstein state regulations for the authorization and monitoring of test laboratories that deal with soil protection and inherited waste. (Analysis of sediment: inorganic (1.2) and organic parameters (1.3), as well as dioxins and furans (1.4)).

Soil Gas / Landfill Gas

  • Approved by article 18 of the Federal Soil Protection act (BBodSchG) according to article 1 of the Schleswig-Holstein state regulations for the authorization and monitoring of test laboratories that deal with soil protection and inherited waste. (Analysis of soil gas and landfill gas (3.2).)

Waste / Sludge

  • Authorization pursuant to article 25 of the state waste law (LAbfG) of North-Rhine Westphalia (Section A – waste).

  • Listed as an authorized testing laboratory according to article 33 of Sludge Act (AbfKlärV), according to article 9, paragraph 2 of the biodegradable waste law (BioAbfV), article 3, paragraph 8 as well as article 4, paragraph 9 of the BioAbfV, and article 5 paragraph 2 of the Hamburg waste oil regulation (AltölV).


  • Recognized testing laboratory according to the RAL quality assurance guidelines of the Federal Association for Compost (RAL-Gütesicherungen der Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V.) for the analysis of compost, fermentation products, and fermentation products from renewable raw materials.

Potable Water (see foodstuff analysis)

Water (surface water, groundwater, waste water, seepage water)

  • Approval as inspection body for waste water, groundwater and surface water according to article 6 of the (Verordnung über Anforderungen an Wasser- und Abwasseruntersuchungsstellen) Ordinance on requirements for water and waste water investigation authorities for the area of ​​the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

  • Authorized testing laboratory according to article 18, sentence 1 of the Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) and article 17, paragraph 1 of the State Soil Protection Act (LBodSchG) in North Rhine-Westphalia. (Analysis of groundwater, seepage water, and surface water (4)).

  • Recognized pursuant to article 18 of the Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) according to article 1 of the Schleswig-Holstein state law to recognize and monitor authorized testing laboratories for soil protection and inherited waste according to article 18 of the BBodSchG (aqueous media: inorganic (2.2) and organic parameters (2.3))

  • Authorized according to article 25 of the state waste law (LAbfG) of North-Rhine Westphalia. (Section B for seepage water, Section C for ground and surface water as well as biological analysis parameters and processes for seepage water, ground water, and surface water).

  • Recognized laboratory for the analysis of sewage water in the self-monitoring program for sewage systems and sewage pipes (Saxony).

Sample Collection

  • Recognized as testing laboratory for waste water, groundwater and surface water according to § 6 of the Ordinance on requirements for water and wastewater testing laboratory for the area of ​​the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Sampling and general parameters (1))

  • Collection of water samples from groundwater testing points in Hamburg.

  • Authorized testing laboratory according to article 18, sentence 1 of the Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) and article 17, paragraph 1 of the State Soil Protection Act (LBodSchG) in North Rhine-Westphalia. (Sample collection: groundwater, seepage water, surface water (P3) and soil gas and landfill gas (P4)).

  • Listed as an authorized testing laboratory according to article 33, paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Sludge Act (AbfKlärV), according to article 3, paragraph 4 of the AbfKlärV for the segment of sample collection (1.1, 3.1 and 6.1).

  • Authorized sampler according to the quality assurance guidelines of the federal association for compost (RAL-Gütesicherungen der Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V.)

Wood Waste

  • Authorized testing site / listed as an authorized testing laboratory according to article 6, paragraph 6 of the Hamburg wood waste regulations (AltholzV).

Street Construction

  • Recognized laboratory for testing the suitability of street construction materials, conducting review tests, arbitration testing, and participation in third-party monitoring for water management aspects of street construction, pursuant to MBWSV NRW- III.1-Now-30-05/48.171 from April 2, 2014.

Foodstuff, Animal Feed and Consumer Goods, Including Potable Water

  • Authorized potable water analysis laboratory according to article 15, paragraph 4 of the drinking water regulations (TrinkwV).

  • Named an authorized potable water testing laboratory in Portugual by ERSAR (Entity for Regulating the Services of Waters and Waste).

  • Authorized by article 44 and article 47 paragraphs 3 and 4 of the communicable diseases act (InfSchG, personal permit) to work with pathogenic organisms.

  • Cross-check appraiser according to article 43, paragraph 2 of the LFGB (German food laws) and articles 2 and 3 of the Cross-Check regulations (Gegenproben-VO).

  • QS-approved laboratory for residue monitoring fruit, vegetables, and potatoes.

  • BNN approved laboratory: B1: fresh fruit and vegetables, B2: Processed fruit and vegetables, B3: Cereal and cereal products as well as oilseed, B4: Tea, fruit teas, herbs & spices.

  • QS-approved laboratory for feed monitoring.

  • Animal feed analytics according to GMP + BA 11 Performance criteria for GMP+ Registered Laboratory (a standard of GMP+FC Scheme of GMP + International)

  • Member of the Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA) + Approved Analyst in the field of grain and feed analysis

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